Find Mølholt Jensen
Chief Executive Officer, PhD After 10 years of research at Risoe DTU in the field of wind turbine blades, Find M. Jensen, PhD, has addressed a number of failures having the potential to dominate future wind turbine blade issues. In 2011 Find founded Bladena based on 7 patents. Today Find holds the position of CEO at Bladena. Before the PhD and career within research Find was working within the marine industry from which inspiration to the current technologies originates. |
Mathias Kristian Reding
Director of Engineering Mathias is the Director of Engineering at Bladena and is responsible for global strategy through a strong team of technical blade engineers. Mathias has a background as a stainless-steel smith with a degree in mechanical engineering from the Technical University of Denmark. He has been working in the wind industry for the past 9 years covering areas such as R&D, Project management, Asset management, Laboratory & Field testing and the execution of measurements and structural upgrades all primarily related to wind turbine blades. |
Peter Grabau
Sales Director Peter is our Sales Director and member of the board at Bladena and he is responsible for our global sales strategy. He works in a close cooperation with our customers and our internal engineers. Peter holds 2 master’s degrees in engineering and one MBA. He has more than 30 years’ experience in blade technology from working at LM Wind Power and at Envision Energy in Shanghai. He has hold positions as Blade Designer, Technical Director, Innovation and Patent Director, and Innovation Director for Blades. Peter has experience in everything related to blade technology and blade innovation. |