A new project managed by Bladena, called CORTIR, had kicked-off early 2019. The 23 project partners cover the entire value chain i.e. viz. manufacturers (OEM), wind turbine owners (WTO), operational and maintenance, insurance and technology companies as well as two Danish universities that will focus on the research development. The project’s main deliverable is a development of a COST and RISK tool (CAR-Tool) that aims to improve the decision making for operation and maintenance strategies in the wind industry, with the overall objective being to minimize costs and risk. On May 13-14th a two-days workshop was successfully arranged by Bladena as part of a CORTIR project. During the first day at Bladena’s offices, the focus was on the current progress of the project, while during the second day the participants had the chance to visit the structural lab of the mechanical engineering department at DTU, where they could visualize and understand the implications of a structural damage on a blade which is common seen in the field. Figure 1: Photo taken during the 2nd Workshop day at Technical University of Denmark (DTU) visiting the large-scale test facilities in Lyngby. Left: Andrei Buliga from Bladena, Christian Berggreen from DTU and Peder Munkholm Jacobsen from Global Wind Service. The highlighted area on the right picture represents an embedded damage on the blade (face/sheet debonded from core), picture taken during the process of making this damage. During the two days, fruitful discussions and networking were held that lead to a clear consensus between the twenty represented parties. A further development in the level of collaboration throughout the whole value chain will support all partners in the focus of reducing the operational cost (OPEX), maintenance and risk, especially towards structurally related blade damages.
It is common practice that when damages and failures occur on blades, the associated costs for repair actions may end up as a dispute between WTOs, OEMs and insurance companies, as the cost is often not included in the operational budget. Experience from the industry indicates that each player may handle such situations with different strategies. The overall aim of the CORTIR project is to demonstrate how new advancements and understandings can provide a common strategy platform for the WTOs, the OEMs and the insurance companies, always towards the shared goal to reduce the Levelized Cost of Energy (LCoE). The demonstration will be made by using the Cost and Risk Tool (CAR-Tool) which constitutes the main deliverable of the CORTIR project. It is a decision support tool and the development will involve a close dialogue with the entire value chain in the wind energy industry. The project is focused on the financial aspects of the different blades’ defects and how they can efficiently be prevented in order to obtain the optimal maintenance strategy. For further information please visit www.bladena.com , hhtps://cortirproject.weebly.com, and/or contact CORTIR project manager CTO Find Mølholt Jensen +45 53700276 [email protected]. |
February 2025