Today and yesterday, 37 companies from the wind industry (14 of them being wind turbine owners) met in Copenhagen and at DTU Wind to discuss risk, risk mitigation & monitoring of wind turbine blades due to the increasing challenges the industry is facing as blades are scaling up. Sensoria™ by MISTRAS Group was invited as a speaker to elaborate on monitoring critical structural failure modes for large blades while Shell, SR Energy, and Ørsted attended a panel to discuss risk-based maintenance and the impact of monitoring. Important topics, considering today’s - and the future - demand for more gigawatts. Monitoring and risk If the industry is to follow the increasing demand for more gigawatts, scaling of blades is necessary and already unavoidable. Therefore, the challenges that modern large blades bring to the market due to minimal structural considerations need to be addressed and taken into account when looking at risk. At the conference, Sensoria by MISTRAS Group and Bladena presented to the entire value chain why continuous monitoring may play an essential role. Adding to this why acoustic emission and loads & vibration monitoring are not only considered to prevent catastrophic failures but also perceived as a source of collecting information for further understanding of damage mechanisms and possible application of a damage tolerance approach. This led to a debate on how this knowledge can be applied in a preventive and proactive risk-based maintenance strategy in a panel with Shell, SR Energy, and Ørsted giving their opinion on this matter. Representing the academia DTU Wind, DTU Construct, and Aalborg University also stated their view on how the above can be used as a methodology to assist risk-based maintenance strategies for utility companies, service companies, and manufacturers. Who was behind the event? Even though both Bladena and DTU Wind are used to hosting seminars and workshops within their respective projects, this was the first time the two made a joint international event open for the entire wind industry. Bladena’s CORTIR II project and DTU’s Relife project (both funded by EUDP) came together to communicate about the effects of risk mitigation and monitoring on blades as both projects are working towards extending the life of blades. Future events In 2023 Bladena will finalize the CORTIR II project where +50 wind turbine owners and operators from the WTO Blade Network and CORTIR II Partners will be invited to attend. To become a member of the WTO Blade Network, please reach out to Bladena. Supported by EUDP A great thanks to the Energy Technology Development and Demonstration Program (EUDP), which is for funding the CORTIR Phase 2 project (Cost, Risk and Transition zone Innovative Reinforcement) together with support from the whole value chain in the wind industry to reduce LCoE. For further information please visit, CORTIR II or contact CORTIR Project Manager CEO Find Mølholt Jensen +45 53700276 [email protected].
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February 2025